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Nikki Cox Plastic Surgery – Bad End To A Good Career

The Unhappy Ever After girl, Nikki Cox, has had plastic surgery to enhance her facial features, but she ended, unhappy ever after. Nikki Cox well known for her roles in TV series Unhappy Ever After, Nikki, went little overboard with alleged lip injections. Huge swollen lips, take a look at Nikki Cox without make-up image below.

We’re sorry for Nikki, but she seems to have lost her booming career to a bad plastic surgery.  She was lovely, had a beautiful smile and facial features to go well with her appearance. But one wrong decision has turned the tables for Nikki Cox. Nikki Cox plastic surgery procedure isn’t that bad when compared to Donatella Versace, but this little fault and a wrong decision has destroyed her career as a TV star. Her plastic surgery includes lip injections, breast implants and Botox.

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Nikki Cox Plastic Surgery Before After Photos

Lip Injection

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If you’d compare Nikki Cox with Micheala Romanini’s before and after photos, you’d note one thing in common, and that the lips of these two celebrities. While Micheala Romanini had too much collagen injected in her lips, Nikki Cox on the same lines had chemicals such as Juvederm injected into her lips. No one would’ve raised a brow on her, but she went little too overboard with the lip injection, which has totally changed the way she looks now.  Lips would be the first thing you’d note on her face. Bad luck or a bad surgeon, take a look at Nikki Cox lip injection before and after photos.

Breast Implants

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Lip injections were not enough, and she went under the knife for a bigger pair to flaunt. Another plastic surgery procedure gone wrong, her breast now looks way apart from each other. Her breast appear fake and pushed up a bit, definitely not credit goes to push up bras, but to a bad surgeon behind the plastic surgery procedure. Take a look at Nikki Cox breast implants before after photos to get an idea.

Botox Treatment

We’re not very sure about her getting Botox treatments, but a closer look at her face would reveal all about her Botox injections. It’s hard to say about getting wrinkles and face lines at the age of 36. But rumors are rumors, sometimes, they are true, and some are thin flakes in the air.

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No matter what, Star magazine also claimed that Nikki Cox is likely having fat injection to her cheeks and more than three fillers injected into her lips. Looks like we’ve another bad plastic surgery to look at. Though, she denied all about the plastic surgery procedures, but they say, “A picture is worth a thousand word” and we need no expert to judge things out of Nikki Cox’s before after plastic surgery photos.

To wrap it all, if it’s not the end of her career as a TV star, but it certainly doesn’t look good with what she has now, when compared with what she had before.

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