Oprah Winfrey Plastic Surgery Before And After Photos – Nose Job
Oprah Winfrey plastic surgery story has a lot more denial than acceptance. The Oprah Winfrey Talk Show host has interviewed many celebrities who confessed their plastic surgery stories in front of millions(Jenny Lee’s plastic surgery story). But that’s all about her guest pinged and poked to reveal what’s true and to come with terms. What if, the host Oprah Winfrey has had plastic surgeries to look camera ready.
We’re not sure about Oprah Winfrey’s plastic surgery stories, but we’ve before and after photos that reveals a change in her appearance. Especially, her nose.
Oprah Winfrey Plastic Surgery Before And After Photos – Nose Job
If there’s one monster nose in the whole celebrity world, that would be of Oprah Winfrey. I mean, just look at her nose. It’s bulbous, too wide and all over her face. Glad, she’s chubby, otherwise her nose would be the first thing that you’d note on her face.
Comparing the before and after photos, you’d notice the big monstrous and bulbous nose with no defined shape, widened bridge, that spreads wide on her face. And the Oprah Winfrey after photos would reveal a bit thin, even that’s not up to today’s standard, shaped and refined nose.
Rumors about Oprah Winfrey Nose job reveals the difference in her before and after plastic surgery photos. We’ve also heard that the celebrity has had breast implants, liposuction as well. But, Oprah Winfrey denied and adamantly stated that(read her own words),
“According to this I’ve had a breast lift and liposuction and a chin implant. Why would I want that? It’s not true. But, hey, I must be looking pretty good. I will be the first to tell you if I have plastic surgery.”
All these allegations on her part has no evidence. But sudden change from uneven nose to a defined tipped, narrow bridged nose has got everyone talking. We’re not sure about her breast implants or a work done on chin, to be honest, we’re not even sure Oprah’s nose job. But it’s one thing that has picked some soot over the years. It’s all over the media, and everyone’s something to add to her decisions.
Has Oprah Winfrey had a nose job? Have your say.